8月31日 シュワ知事vsCA州議会 Source : Health plan vote is put off (The Sacramento Bee)

シュワ知事が『AB 8には拒否権で対抗する』(「Topics2007年8月26日 CA州議会の暑い夏」参照)と言えば、州下院Speakerは『シュワ知事提案を投票にかけて、支持がほとんどないことを見せつけてやる』とやり返す。




8月29日 無保険者増大 Source : Census: Health benefits scarcer (USA Today)

議論が激しくなっているSCHIP延長論議(「Topics2007年8月4日 CHIP拡充法案の行方」参照)、大統領選に大きな影響をもたらすことになるであろう。

8月28日 ヒスパニック期待の星 降板 Source : Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales Resigns (The New York Times)


これで、ヒスパニックの期待の星(「Topics2004年11月11日(2) 初のヒスパニック閣僚」参照)は、初めての挫折を味わうこととなった。

8月27日 Romney提案 Source : Governor Romney's Plan To Improve America's Health Care System (Press Release)
Mitt Romney前MA州知事が、医療保険改革提案の骨子を公表した。以下、提案のポイント。
  1. 基本的な考え方

    1. 民間医療保険市場の拡大と規制緩和により、コストを削減し、加入の機会を増大させる。

    2. 現行制度を破壊したり、政府による保険に置き換えるのではなく、現行制度のよいところは極力残し、うまくいっていないところに焦点を当てる。

  2. 4つの改革目標

    1. 各州の医療保険に関する規制の緩和、税制改革により、民間医療保険のコストを引き下げる。

    2. 保険料への補助、規制改革により、保険加入の促進を図る。

    3. 市場改革により、転職などにより医療保険を喪失することのないようにする。

    4. 各州制度改革、保険市場改革、医療過誤訴訟の改革等により、医療費上昇を抑制する。

  3. 6つの具体的な政策

    1. 州の医療保険市場改革を促進する。

    2. 無保険者の「フリーライド」に使われている連邦支出を、低所得者の保険加入促進に振り向ける。具体的には、低所得者層の保険料補助、州の公的医療保障プログラムの弾力化など。

    3. HSAsの拡大。医療保険関連費用(保険料、免責額、自己負担等)の全額所得控除(連邦所得税)。

    4. Medicaidの制度設計の柔軟化。

    5. 連邦レベルの医療過誤訴訟における、非経済的損害賠償、罰則的賠償の上限を定める。

    6. ITを活用してコストと質の透明性を高める。

他方で、CA州のシュワ知事(共和党)は、加入義務がなければ意味がない、と加入義務に抵抗する民主党議会と対峙している(「Topics2007年8月26日 CA州議会の暑い夏」参照)。


8月26日 CA州議会の暑い夏 Source : CA Assembly Makes Further Changes to Health Care Legislation (PLANSPONSOR.com)


20日、州下院議会は、法案(A.B. 8)に7度目の修正を加えた。主な修正点は次の通り(「Topics2007年6月26日 加州有力法案一本化」参照)。
  1. 2009年1月より、事業主に医療保険提供またはCal-CHIPPへの拠出(7.5%)を義務付ける。

  2. Cal-CHIPPでは、3段階のベネフィット・プランを用意する。

  3. 処方薬プランも検討する。

  4. カフェテリア・プランの提供を義務付け、提供しなかった場合には従業員一人当たり$100のペナルティを課す。意図的に提供しなかった場合には$500の罰金を科す。

の2点が必要である事を強調した(Press Release)。

このスタンスは、1ヶ月前のシュワ知事のスタンスと変わっていない(「Topics2007年7月17日(1) シュワ知事のお願い」参照)。つまり、この1ヶ月間、シュワ知事と議会の間で、一本化に向けた話し合いは進展していないということである。


8月25日 迎えられなかった初日 Source : Court Upholds Firing Before Work Commenced (PLANSPONSOR.com)


Kevinは、採用契約違反、雇用契約違反であると訴えていたのだが、CT州控訴裁判所は、この訴えを退け、"Employment at will"はいつの段階でも有効、との判断を示した。確かに、Kevinが同じようなタイミングで会社に行くのは止めた、と言ったとしても、企業は訴えないであろう。


8月24日 アメリカ企業にIFRS(2) 
Source : Concept Release on Allowing U.S. Issures To Prepare Financial Statements in Accordance With International Financial Reporting Standards (SEC via Federal Register)

少し遅くなってしまったが、アメリカ企業にIFRSの利用を認めるかどうかを問う、SECのConcept Releaseが公表された(「Topics2007年7月26日(3) アメリカ企業にIFRS」参照)。

  1. The Effect of IFRS on the U.S. Public Capital Market

    1. Do investors, U.S. issuers, and market participants believe the Commission should allow U.S. issuers to prepare financial statements in accordance with IFRS as published by the IASB?

    2. What would be the effects on the U.S. public capital market of some U.S. issuers reporting in accordance with IFRS and others in accordance with U.S. GAAP? Specifically, what would be the resulting consequences and opportunities, and for whom? For example, would capital formation in the U.S. public capital market be better facilitated? Would the cost of capital be reduced? Would comparative advantages be conferred upon those U.S. issuers who move to IFRS versus those U.S. issuers who do not (or feel they can not)? Would comparative advantages be conferred upon those investors who have the resources to learn two sets of accounting principles (IFRS and U.S. GAAP) as compared to those who do not?

    3. What would be the effects on the U.S. public capital market of not affording the opportunity for U.S. issuers to report in accordance with either IFRS or U.S. GAAP? Specifically, what would be the resulting consequences and opportunities, and for whom? Would capital formation in the U.S. public capital market be better facilitated? Would the cost of capital be reduced? Alternatively, are there certain types of U.S. issuers for which the Commission should not afford this opportunity?

    4. To what degree would investors and other market participants desire to and be able to understand and use financial statements of U.S. issuers prepared in accordance with IFRS? Would the desire and ability of an investor to understand and use such financial statements vary with factors such as the size and nature of the investor, the value of the investment, the market capitalization of the U.S issuer, the industry to which it belongs, the trading volume of its securities, or any other factors?

    5. What immediate, short-term or long-term incentives would a U.S. issuer have to prepare IFRS financial statements? Would the incentives differ by industry segment, geographic location of operations, where capital is raised, other demographic factors, or the aspect of the Commission’s filing requirements to which the U.S. issuer is subject?

    6. What immediate, short-term or long-term barriers would a U.S. issuer encounter in seeking to prepare IFRS financial statements? For example, would the U.S. issuer’s other regulatory (e.g., banking, insurance, taxation) or contractual (e.g., loan covenants) financial reporting requirements present a barrier to moving to IFRS, and if so, to what degree?

    7. Are there additional market forces that would provide incentives for market participants to want U.S. issuers to prepare IFRS financial statements?

    8. Are there issues unique to whether investment companies should be given the choice of preparing financial statements in accordance with IFRS? What would the consequences be to investors and other market participants of providing investment companies with that choice?

    9. Would giving U.S. issuers the opportunity to report in accordance with IFRS affect the standard setting role of the FASB? If so, why? If not, why not? What effect might there be on the development of U.S. GAAP?

    10. What are investors’, issuers’ and other market participants’ opinions on the effectiveness of the processes of the IASB and the FASB for convergence? Are investors and other market participants satisfied with the convergence progress to date, and the robustness of the ongoing process for convergence?

    11. How would the convergence work of the IASB and the FASB be affected, if at all, if the Commission were to accept IFRS financial statements from U.S. issuers? If the Commission were to accept IFRS financial statements from U.S. issuers, would market participants still have an incentive to support convergence work?

    12. If IFRS financial statements were to be accepted from U.S. issuers and subsequently the IASB and the FASB were to reach substantially different conclusions in the convergence projects, what actions, if any, would the Commission need to take?

  2. Global Accounting Standards

    13. Do investors, issuers and other market participants believe giving U.S. issuers the choice to prepare financial statements in accordance with IFRS as published by the IASB furthers the development of a single set of globally accepted accounting standards? Why or why not, and if so, how?

    14. Are investors, U.S. issuers and other market participants confident that IFRS have been, and will continue to be, issued through a robust process by a stand-alone standard setter, resulting in high quality accounting standards? Why or why not?

    15. Would it make a difference to investors, U.S. issuers and other market participants whether the Commission officially recognized the accounting principles established by the IASB?

    16. What are investors’, U.S. issuers’ and other market participants’ views on how the nature of our relationship with the IASB, a relationship that is different and less direct than our oversight role with the FASB, affects the Commission’s responsibilities under the U.S. securities laws?

  3. IFRS Implementation Matters for U.S. Issuers

    17. In what ways might the Commission be able to assist in improving investors’ ability to understand and use financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS?

    18. What are the incentives and barriers to adapting the training curricula for experienced professionals to address both IFRS and U.S. GAAP? Separate from ongoing training, how long might it take for a transition to occur? How much would it cost?

    19. What are the incentives and barriers relevant to the college and university education system’s ability to prepare its students for a U.S. public capital market in which U.S. issuers might report under IFRS? What are the incentives and barriers relevant to changing the content of the Uniform CPA Examination? How should the Commission address these incentives and barriers, if at all?

    20. What issues would be encountered by U.S. issuers and auditors in the application of IFRS in practice within the context of the U.S. financial reporting environment?

    21. How do differences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP bear on whether U.S. issuers, including investment companies, should be given the choice of preparing financial statements in accordance with IFRS?

    22. What do issuers believe the cost of converting from U.S. GAAP to IFRS would be? How would one conclude that the benefits of converting justify those costs?

    23. Would audit firms be willing to provide audit services to U.S. issuers who prepare their financial statements in accordance with IFRS? How, if at all, would allowing U.S. issuers to prepare IFRS financial statements affect the current relative market shares of audit firms?

    24. What factors, if any, might lead to concern about the quality of audits of IFRS financial statements of U.S. issuers?

    25. Would any amendments or additions to auditing and other assurance standards be necessary if U.S. issuers were allowed to prepare IFRS financial statements?

    26. How could global consistency in the application of IFRS be facilitated by auditors of U.S. issuers?

    27. Do you think that the information sharing infrastructure among securities regulators through both multilateral and bilateral platforms will improve securities regulators’ ability to identify and address inconsistent and inaccurate applications of IFRS?

    28. If the Commission were to consider rulemaking to allow U.S. issuers to prepare IFRS financial statements, are there operational issues relative to existing Commission requirements on which additional guidance would be necessary and appropriate? Would it be appropriate to have differing applicability for U.S. issuers of the form and content provisions of Regulation S-X depending on whether they use IFRS in preparing their financial statements? Are there operational or other issues unique to investment companies? In preparing and auditing IFRS financial statements, should U.S. issuers and their auditors consider the existing guidance related to materiality and quantification of financial misstatements?

    29. Should there be an accommodation for foreign issuers that are not foreign private issuers regardless of whether the Commission were to accept IFRS financial statements from U.S. issuers? Should any accommodation depend upon whether the foreign issuer is subject to the laws of another jurisdiction which requires the use of IFRS, or if the issuer had previously used IFRS financial statements in its filings with the Commission?

    30. Who do commenters think should make the decision as to whether a U.S. issuer should switch to reporting in IFRS: a company’s management, its board of directors or its shareholders? What, if any, disclosure would be warranted to inform investors of the reasons for and the timing to implement such a decision? If management were to make the decision to switch to IFRS, do investors and market participants have any concerns with respect to management’s reasons for that decision?

    31. When would investors be ready to operate in a U.S. public capital market environment that allows the use of either IFRS or U.S. GAAP by U.S. issuers? When would auditors be ready? How about those with other supporting roles in the U.S. public capital market (e.g., underwriters, actuaries, valuation specialists, and so forth)? Is this conclusion affected by the amount of exposure to IFRS as it is being applied in practice by non-U.S. issuers?

    32. Should the Commission establish the timing for when particular U.S. issuers could have the option to switch from preparing U.S. GAAP to IFRS financial statements? Should market forces dictate when a U.S. issuer would make the choice to switch from U.S. GAAP to IFRS financial statement reporting? If the former, what would be the best basis for the Commission’s determination about timing?

    33. Should the opportunity, if any, to switch to IFRS reporting be available to U.S. issuers only for a particular period of time? If so, why and for what period? At the end of that period of time, could commenters foresee a scenario under which it would be appropriate for the Commission to call for all remaining U.S. issuers to move their financial reporting to IFRS?

    34. What difficulties, if any, do U.S. issuers anticipate in applying IFRS 1’s requirements on first-time adoption of IFRS, including the requirements for restatement of and reconciliation from previous years’ U.S. GAAP financial statements?

    35. Would it be appropriate for U.S. issuers that move to IFRS to be allowed to switch back to U.S. GAAP? If so, under what conditions?

  1. 全体を通して、アメリカ企業にIFRSの利用を認めることを前提に設問されている、との印象が強い。当局としては、かなり姿勢を鮮明にしている。この当たりは、Cox議長の思い入れが色濃く反映されているものと思われる。

  2. 上記のQ.12及びQ.16の記述は興味深い。『アメリカ企業にIFRSを認めたとして、コンバージェンス・プロジェクトにといてIASBFASBが異なる見解に達した際、SECはどのような行動を取るべきか?』

    SECの野心が満たされるような回答が寄せられることを、関係者は期待しているのかもしれない(「Topics2007年6月28日 純正IFRSの意味」参照)。

  3. Q.28は、いわゆる「ルール・ベース」か「プリンシプル・ベース」かを問う設問と思われる。アメリカ基準とIFRSの最大の相異は、この点とも言われており、SECとしては大きく舵を切りたいところであろう(「Topics2006年11月22日(1) Principle-base会計基準へ」参照)。訴訟社会であり、監査法人が強力な社会であるアメリカで、どのような意見が寄せられるのか、興味のあるところである。

  4. 最後に、日本の金融当局が、こうしたアメリカの対応についていけるかどうか。日本の金融証券市場を強化すべき、とのテーゼは大いに結構なのだが、具体的な米欧の金融市場の動向に間違いなくついていけるかどうかが、最大のポイントではないだろうか。

8月23日 アメリカの失業率 Source : Labor Shortages: Myth and Reality (BusinessWeek)







8月22日 GASB vs Comptroller Source : Playing By Its Own Rules (PLANSPONSOR.com)

先月紹介した、GAS45を適用外とするCT州の法案("An Act Concerning the Implementation of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles" (H.B.7338))(「Topics2007年6月8日(2) GAS45反対法案可決」参照)は、7月6日、Rell州知事拒否権を発動し、法制化は止まっている。一応、TX州に追随することにはならなかった(「Topics2007年7月9日 TX州がGAS45を正式に拒否」参照)が、それでも、CT州のComptrollerは、まだまだ諦めてはいないようだ。
